Hyperpigmentation can be formed in many different ways and there are several things that can cause it.
The three main types of hyperpigmentation are Sun Spots (also called age spots, liver spots or solar lentigines), Melasma, and Post Inflammation Hyperpigmentation.
Sun Spots are the most common and tend to be found on the face, hands and other body parts that have seen too much sun exposure. These are usually easily treated using a specific wavelength of laser light. The pigment targeted is lasered out of the skin leaving a superficial scab lasting 7 to 10 days. After the scab has fallen off, the skin returns to its normal colour.
Melasma (also called chloasma or pregnancy mask) can happen during pregnancy or can sometimes be caused by a hormonal problem. It normally presents itself in the summer months and then fades throughout the winter. We approach melasma treatment differently for each individual. We have found that using the IPL Laser or a chemical peel alongside a cosmeceutical product gives our clients the best results.
Post Inflammation Hyperpigmentation can occur after the skin has had an injury like a cut, burn, or acne spots. In some cases the hyperpigmentation can improve over time, but if it persists for a longer period using the IPL Laser, skin peels or the use of cosmeceutical lightening products can help.
During your consultation, we design a custom treatment plan based on the type of hyperpigmentation you have.

We offer a wide range of treatments and cosmeceutical products to help with scarring. We often find that home treatment and use of retinol products gives the best results in reducing the appearance of the scar.
It is best to process a scar six weeks after scarring for the best results with minimally invasive treatments.
If a scar is older or more persistent, we can use our non-fractional laser (1540 wavelength) and the light will break down the scar tissue and trigger new tissue production. This flips the skin cells and produces more collagen in that area, making the fresh skin lighter and the scars less visible.
Multiple treatments are often required, but clients will see positive and gratifying results after just the first treatment!
We can also treat stretch marks in the same way, making them less visible, removing the redness from them and making the actual stretch marks appear smaller.
After treatment, the area often feels hot but calms down after a few hours. You should avoid cardiovascular exercise and hot baths or showers for 24 hours. The treated area may become dry and scaly for up to a week after treatment. We recommend that you moisturise the treated area regularly to keep it hydrated before the next treatment. The age of the client and the age of the scar will determine how many treatments are required. As a general guideline, we usually recommend six treatments.

Procedure time:
Appointments vary in length depending on the area being treated but most are 30-60 minutes
Number of treatments:
Depending on the condition of the skin or age of the scar being treated, 1-3 treatments may be needed.
Results shown:
Results will start to be seen1-2 weeks after your first session.
Before treatment:
No sun exposure tan for 3-4 weeks or fake tan for 1 week before treatment. Clean skin with no makeup.
After treatment:
Keep the area cool after the treatment. Wear 50+SPF daily. Do not pick at any scabs but allow the skin to heal naturally. Full aftercare can be downloaded from the Aftercare section.
Treated pigmentation will darken and scab, these will take 7-10 days to clear. Treated scars will be red for 24-72 hours.
Before we treat any pigmentation a test patch is essential, this is charged at £50. Treatment costs are set out below.