Laser treatment can dramatically improve the appearance of various skin concerns such as thread veins, cherry angioma, Port Wine birthmarks, venous lake and rosacea which can leave them far less visible or in some cases remove them completely.
Our state of the art Cynosure ND YAG Laser offers quick, long term solutions, whilst treatment can be uncomfortable most people find it tolerable and the results worthwhile. Some areas can be numbed to make treatment more comfortable and this can be addressed during your consultation.
The Cynosure Apogee Elite Laser System uses the Nd:YAG laser to treat fine blue and fine red veins (telangiectasia) or more commonly know as thread veins, broken veins or super veins which can be found on the face and legs. This quick and easy customised laser uses smart technology on the face and body without the need of surgery or any lengthy recovery time. The treatment aims to target and destroy the blood vessels that create veins causing them to visibly disappear. Since the laser only targets the blood vessels that are in the vein, there is minimal or no damage to the outer layer of your skin. Results and number of treatments will vary depending on the individual. Many of our patients will see an immediate improvement in the appearance of their veins after having the treatment. Some clients will notice a continued improvement over the next couple of weeks.
Cherry Angioma or Campbell de Morgan Spots are another type of skin lesion. They are named due to their distinctive red colour caused by broken or damaged blood vessels. They can be flat or raised and are usually found on the torso, arms and shoulders (Although they can appear anywhere.) Cherry Angiomas will not disappear on their own but are very straightforward to treat and can be removed in a single session.
Venous Lakes are small veins located in the skin that become larger and more visible with the passage of time. They are more common in older age groups and often seen more in men than women. Venous Lakes most commonly on the lower lip. They are completely benign lesions and are not infectious. When finger pressure is applied to the Venous Lake, the blood inside will be forced outwards which causes it to flatten and almost disappear. Once the pressure is released, the Venous Lake returns to it original appearance

Procedure time:
Laser removal appointments vary in length depending on the area being treated and can be as short as 15 minutes.
Number of treatments:
Depending on the area being treated 1-4 treatments may be required. For leg thread veins 6-8 may be needed.
Results shown:
Our laser removals are so effective that 1-2 weeks after your first session an improvement should be seen.
Before treatment:
No sun tan for 3-4 weeks or fake tan for 1 week before treatment. For vascular removals, seek medical approval and, if medically suitable, refrain from taking blood thinning medication such as Warfarin.
After treatment:
No heat treatments (sauna, steam room, sun etc) for 48 hours, no hot showers or excessive sweating for 24 hours. Arnica gel can be used to aid healing.
Possible swelling for 48 hours and bruising for 1-2 weeks (more likely on leg veins)
Before treating any vascular concerns a test patch is necessary to assess suitability for treatment and these are charged at £50. Treatment then starts from £100. A full estimate will be given during your consultation when a treatment plan is agreed.